Sunday 5 July 2015

More pictures from Ben Nevis

Here's a few more pictures from Ben Nevis...

David on the way up, just past Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe

One of Mark's Facebook selfies. Nice view of the snow covered top and the storm shelter on the left.

That's Russell directly in front. This picture shows just how many poeple fill the main route to the summit on a dry June Saturday!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Ben Nevis Conquered !

This years walking weekend went fantastically well, all seven on us not only made it to the top but back down again too!

Russell was first up and had to wait sufficiently long enough for the next person he decided to descend before freezing to death (there was very *deep* snow at the top even in late June). Peter, Rob and Richard also battled their way to the top along with Mark.

David and I brought up the rear of our group where we had to settle for a very misty, icey view. Temperatures not far above freezing and just three days later in Pitstone I'm typing this while it's 33 degrees! The summit made for an wintery, quite eerie atmosphere, fitting of the highest spot in the UK.

On the way down David came into his own and race away while Mark and I took a 'steadier' pace ;)

Here's the first photos, more to follow!

That's me on top by the storm shelter. The snow surrounds the shelter, just out of the picture.

On the way up it looked like the cloud wouldn't lift, but it slowly followed us up. Here, about half way up, we could see back into Glen Nevis. In the top right of the picture you can just make out Loch Linnhe.

Walkers: David N, Mark C, Peter, Richard, Rob, Russell, Tony